School has started! Summer vacation went by in a blink of an eye. All three of the kiddos are back to school - Rocket in Pre-K, Clark in 1st, Cadence in 2nd. Add Cousin Jakey into the mix and we've got a 2nd generation of kids in my family walking up and down the halls of HAA! I think it's pretty awesome that my sister and I now have kids attending the same school that we did when we were little.
The new Superman movie has been filming in our little semi-rual town. Kids and I have been giving ourselves self-guided tours over the summer while the crew has been transforming our downtown area into Smallville, Kansas. We're tourists in our own town! I've been keeping my eye out for Kevin Costner, Diane, Lane, and Amy Adams who are all in the movie, but no luck so far.
They built this Sears in the middle of the street closing it off. Wild.
This is an actual pizza shop. It's still open, they just changed the name for filming.
Some buildings that have exploded. I wonder what the storyline will be here.
Bunches of truck trailers and plywood behind the sets/storefronts.
My future train engineer was so excited to walk across the tracks!
There are bunches of cables all over town.
Wish the kids and I could watch some of the filming, but now that we're back to school it's highly unlikely. We've had fun anyways watching the crew build sets and transform out little town into a Hollywood lot.
Happy week!